Module timer

Timer related variables and functions


reset () Resets the timer's interval count and length back to 0, and its speed back to 1.
destroy () Destroys the timer, freezing its simulated time and disabling its listener.


elapsedMS How many milliseconds have passed within the current interval.
currentCount How many intervals have been completed.
maxCount How many intervals will be completed.
interval How many milliseconds must pass to complete an interval.
speed A multiplier applied to the simulated elapsed time.
destroyed Whether or not the timer was destroyed.
usesGameTime Whether or not the timer uses simulated game time rather than real time / wall clock time.


reset ()
Resets the timer's interval count and length back to 0, and its speed back to 1.
destroy ()
Destroys the timer, freezing its simulated time and disabling its listener.


How many milliseconds have passed within the current interval.
How many intervals have been completed.
How many intervals will be completed. Set to -1 for infinite intervals.
How many milliseconds must pass to complete an interval.
A multiplier applied to the simulated elapsed time. By default 1. (e.g. a multiplier of 2 makes an interval of 100 milliseconds take only 50 milliseconds to complete)
Whether or not the timer was destroyed. Calling destroy sets this to true. Read-only.
Whether or not the timer uses simulated game time rather than real time / wall clock time. This will be true if created by game.newTimer or player.newTimer, or false if created by game.newRealTimer or player.newRealTimer
generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2024-11-25 23:08:11