Module player

Player related variables and functions


hurt (damage, vel, recovery) Hurts the player by a specific amount and with a specified velocity.
finish () Makes the player finish the level.
setmetadata (key, value) Sets a metadata with a specified key-value pair to the player.
getmetadata (key, defaultValue) Gets a player metadata value with the specified key.
newTimer (interval, maxCount, listener) Returns a player timer which calls listener every interval milliseconds up to maxCount times.
destroyAllTimers () Destroys all player timers created by newTimer.
alert (message) Sends an alert popup to the player.
chat (message, color) Sends a chat message to the player.
safety () Teleports the player to the latest 'safe' block.
giveitem (item, settings) Gives the player a specified item with specified settings.
getitem () Gets the current item of the player, and returns it as an AS3 Object.
teleportto (xpos, ypos, keepvelocity) Teleports the player to the given relative position.
teleporttopos (xpos, ypos, keepvelocity) Teleports the player to the given absolute position.
rotate (value, amplifier) Rotates a player to a given rotation at a given speed.
removeitem () Removes the item that the player is currently holding.
tint (red, green, blue, duration) Tints the player's body parts with a glow effect for a duration.
playsound (id, volume) Plays a sound effect to the player.
disableup (times) Disables the player's up input for a duration.
disabledown (times) Disables the player's down input for a duration.
disableleft (times) Disables the player's left input for a duration.
disableright (times) Disables the player's right input for a duration.
disablespace (times) Disables the player's spacebar input for a duration.
autoup (times) Forces the player's up input to be pressed for a duration.
autodown (times) Forces the player's down input to be pressed for a duration.
autoleft (times) Forces the player's left input to be pressed for a duration.
autoright (times) Forces the player's right input to be pressed for a duration.
autospace (times) Forces the player's spacebar input to be pressed for a duration.
disablesuperjump () Disables the player's superjump until re-enabled.
enablesuperjump () Enables the player's superjump.
keypressed (keycode) Is the specified key currently pressed?
postGameEvent (data, sendToSelf) Sends a gameEvent to every player in the match.
givelaser (settings) [DEPRECATED] Gives the player a laser gun item with specified settings.
givesword (settings) [DEPRECATED] Gives the player a sword item with specified settings.
giverocket (settings) [DEPRECATED] Gives the player a rocket launcher item with specified settings.
givebow (settings) [DEPRECATED] Gives the player a bow item with specified settings.
givegrenade (settings) [DEPRECATED] Gives the player a grenade item with specified settings.
givelightningcloud (settings) [DEPRECATED] Gives the player a lightning cloud item with specified settings.
giveblackhole (settings) [DEPRECATED] Gives the player a black hole item with specified settings.
chill (amount) [DEPRECATED] Chills the player, causing massive reduction in stats until the effect wears off.
dye (color) [DEPRECATED] Dyes the player's body parts for the rest of the match.


team The current team the player is in.
tick The event handler for player tick.
health Player's current health.
maxhealth Player's max health.
coins Player's current coin count.
fps How many times per second some client physics will be updated.
rotation Player's current rotation in degrees.
speed Player's current speed stat.
jump Player's current jump stat.
accel Player's current acceleration stat.
gravity Strength of the gravity affecting the player.
fov Affects how far can you see (zoom).
xvelocity Player's current horizontal velocity.
yvelocity Player's current vertical velocity.
xmove The current horizontal momentum of the player.
ymove The current vertical momentum of the player.
x The absolute x-position of the player.
y The absolute y-position of the player.
xpos The next absolute x-position of the player.
ypos The next absolute y-position of the player.
safex The absolute x-position of the player's respawn location.
safey The absolute y-position of the player's respawn location.
camerax The absolute x-position of the camera (top left corner; not affected by fov).
cameray The absolute y-position of the camera (top left corner; not affected by fov).
stiffness Defines how fast the camera does follow the player.
hat An AS3 array of the player's hats.
minimap Is the minimap currently visible?
teleStealth Does the teleport effect appear when the player teleports?
recoverytimer The remaining duration, in milliseconds, of the player's invulnerability received by recovering from damage.
hurttimer The remaining duration, in milliseconds, of the player's stun received by damage.
frost The remaining duration, in milliseconds, of the player's chill.
outline The decimal color value of the player's outline.
outlinethickness The thickness of the outline.
paint The decimal color value of the player's dye.
alpha The opaqueness of the player.
uppressed Is the up arrow key or w currently pressed?
downpressed Is the down arrow key or s currently pressed?
leftpressed Is the left arrow key or a currently pressed?
rightpressed Is the right arrow key or d currently pressed?
spacepressed Is the spacebar currently pressed?
mousex A scalar with a range of [-1, 1] representing the mouse's x coordinate along the screen.
mousey A scalar with a range of [-1, 1] representing the mouse's y coordinate along the screen.


hurt (damage, vel, recovery)
Hurts the player by a specific amount and with a specified velocity.


  • damage int The amount of damage done to the player. By default 1.
  • vel number The strength of the impact that pushes the player. By default 0.3.
  • recovery number The number of seconds the player takes to recover. By default 2.5.


    player.hurt(2, 0.15)
finish ()
Makes the player finish the level. This would grant victory in a race and defeat in a deathmatch. For other game types that determine placing based on a condition, such as coin fiend, the player's placing will still be determined based on that condition once all players have finished.
setmetadata (key, value)
Sets a metadata with a specified key-value pair to the player.


  • key string Name of the metadata variable (the key)
  • value Value of the metadata variable


    player.setmetadata("NFTs", 10)
getmetadata (key, defaultValue)
Gets a player metadata value with the specified key.


  • key string The key (metadata variable name) that's used to find its value.
  • defaultValue The value to return if the searched key does not exists. By default no specific value is returned.


    Returns the key's value. Returns defaultValue instead if the key isn't found.


    player.getmetadata("NFTs", 0)
newTimer (interval, maxCount, listener)
Returns a player timer which calls listener every interval milliseconds up to maxCount times.

Unlike game.newTimer, these timers are only called after the game is started and while the player is alive.

The timer cannot be triggered on the same tick it is created, nor can it be triggered mid-tick by changing its properties.


  • interval number How many milliseconds must pass to complete an interval.
  • maxCount int How many intervals will be completed. Set to -1 for infinite intervals.
  • listener function The listener to be called every time an iteration is completed.


    timer The created timer object.


    healthRegenTimer = player.newTimer(1000 * 6, 9999999, function()
      -- Heals 1 health every 6 seconds = tolua( + 1
destroyAllTimers ()
Destroys all player timers created by newTimer.

See also:

alert (message)
Sends an alert popup to the player.


  • message string The message to show the player.


    player.alert("Hello world!")
chat (message, color)
Sends a chat message to the player.


  • message string The message to show to the player.
  • color int The decimal (or hex) value of the RGB color to use. By default #1D5497.


  •'hello', 0x1D5497)
  •'hello', 1922199)
safety ()
Teleports the player to the latest 'safe' block.
giveitem (item, settings)
Gives the player a specified item with specified settings.


  • item string The given item. The following list shows the string to use as this parameter for each item type.
  • settings

    The settings for the item, given as an AS3 Object. The following list details the valid settings for each item type. These settings match what you can find in the custom item settings in the block editor, although some names are altered. Any naming mismatch will be noted in the list.

    Angel's Wings ("angelwings")

    • ammo (int) the amount of uses the item has. [ Default 3|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • reload (float) the delay in milliseconds after using the item before it can be used again. [ Default 0|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • strength (float) the strength of the item. [ Default 1|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]

    Black Hole ("blackhole")

    • ammo (int) the amount of uses the item has. [ Default 1|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • duration (float) the duration in milliseconds of the black hole. [ Default 9900|Min 0|Max 99999999 ]

    • reload (float) the delay in milliseconds after using the item before it can be used again. [ Default 800|Min 0|Max 9999999 ]

    • speedx (float) the horizontal speed of the projectile in pixels per tick. [ Default 0|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]. Displayed as x speed in block editor

    • speedy (float) the vertical speed of the projectile in pixels per tick. [ Default 0|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]. Displayed as y speed in block editor

    • strength (float) the strength of the item. [ Default 1|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]

    Bow ("bow")

    • ammo (int) the amount of uses the item has. [ Default 3|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • autofire (bool) whether the item will be automatically used once full charge is reached. [ Default false ]

    • damage (int) the amount of damage the item will deal. [ Default 1|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]

    • knockback (float) the strength of the knockback the item will deal. [ Default 1|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]

    • maxforce (float) the maximum strength the item can be charged to. [ Default 90|Min 0|Max 999999 ]

    • noknockback (bool) whether the item will not deal knockback. [ Default false ]. Displayed as no knockback in block editor

    • phasing (int) the number of blocks the item can phase through. [ Default 0|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • pullspeed (float) the speed of the item's charge up. [ Default 1|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • range (float) the maximum lifetime of the projectile in ticks before it is deleted. [ Default 100|Min 0|Max 9999999 ]

    • recovery (float) the time in milliseconds a hurt player will spend recovering from the item's damage. [ Default 2500|Min 0|Max 99999999 ]

    • reload (float) the delay in milliseconds after using the item before it can be used again. [ Default 800|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • repeat (int) the number of extra projectiles to be spawned by using the item. [ Default 0|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • rotation (float) the angle in degrees to rotate the projectile by. If a comma separated list of numbers is provided (e.g. "5,10"), the second number will be the angle in degrees between each projectile. [ Default 0 ]. Displayed as shot rotation in block editor

    • sap (int) the amount of health to heal the player by upon damaging an enemy. [ Default 0|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]

    Chili Pepper ("chilipepper")

    • ammo (int) the amount of uses the item has. [ Default 1|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • reload (float) the delay in milliseconds after using the item before it can be used again. [ Default 500|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    Buzzsaw ("buzzsaw")

    • ammo (int) the amount of uses the item has. [ Default 1|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • damage (int) the amount of damage the item will deal. [ Default 1|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]

    • duration (int) the maximum lifetime of the projectile in ticks before it is deleted. this will be renamed to 'range' in a future update. [ Default 300|Min 0|Max 9999999 ]

    • reload (float) the delay in milliseconds after using the item before it can be used again. [ Default 800|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • gravity (float) the gravity to be applied to the projectile in pixels per tick. [ Default 1|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]

    • horizontal (float) the initial horizontal speed of the projectile when thrown. [ Default 4|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]

    • postgravity (float) the gravity to be applied to the projectile in pixels per tick after being detached from a block. [Default 1|Min -9999|Max 99999 ] Displayed as post-gravity under blast settings in block editor

    • vertical (float) the initial vertical speed of the projectile when thrown. [ Default -10|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]

    • overrides (string) a bitmask representing which block type interactions to override. each bit represents a block type - leaving the bit at 0 will allow the standard interaction to occur, whereas setting that bit to 1 will disable the interaction and cause the projectile to treat that block type as an active block instead. the override block types and bit positions are listed below. [ Default "00000" ]

      • explode 0000X

      • vanish 000X0

      • shatter / crumble / weak 00X00

      • arrow push 0X000

      • inactive X0000

    Freeze Ray ("freezeray")

    • No customizable properties exist.

    Grenade ("grenade")

    • ammo (int) the amount of uses the item has. [ Default 1|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • blastdamage (int) the amount of damage the item's blast will deal. [ Default 1|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]. Displayed as damage under blast settings in block editor

    • blastdelay (float) the delay in milliseconds of the item's blast. [ Default 95|Min 0|Max 999999 ]. Displayed as delay under blast settings in block editor

    • blastradius (int) the destructive radius of the item's blast. [ Default 0|Min 0|Max 99999 ]. Displayed as radius under blast settings in block editor

    • blastrecovery (float) the time in milliseconds a hurt player will spend recovering from the item's blast. [ Default 2500|Min 0|Max 99999999 ]. Displayed as recovery under blast settings in block editor

    • damage (int) the amount of damage the item collision will deal. [ Default 1|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]

    • hurtarea (int) the damaging radius of the item's blast. [ Default 120|Min 0|Max 9999999 ]. Displayed as hurt area under blast settings in block editor

    • knockback (float) the strength of the knockback the item collision will deal. [ Default 1|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]

    • recovery (float) the time in milliseconds a hurt player will spend recovering from the item's collision damage. [ Default 2500|Min 0|Max 99999999 ]

    • reload (float) the delay in milliseconds after using the item before it can be used again. [ Default 800|Min 0|Max 9999999 ]

    • throwforcex (float) the horizontal force applied to the item's throw. [ Default 1|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]. Displayed as x force in block editor

    • throwforcey (float) the vertical force applied to the item's throw. [ Default 1|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]. Displayed as y force in block editor

    Heart ("heart")

    • ammo (int) the amount of uses the item has. [ Default 1|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • heal (int ) the amount of healing the item does per use. [ Default 1|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]

    • reload (float) the delay in milliseconds after using the item before it can be used again. [ Default 800|Min 0|Max 9999999 ]

    Jet Pack ("jetpack")

    • force (float) the force of the item's thrust. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [ Default 1|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]

    • fuel (float) the amount of milliseconds of use the item has. [ Default 6600|Min 0|Max 99999999 ]

    Laser Gun ("lasergun")

    • ammo (int) the amount of uses the item has. Affected by Police Hat (+2) unless ammo is 0. [ Default 3|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • croptexture (bool) specifies whether the custom texture should be cropped. Only applies if a custom texutre was chosen. Visual only. [ Default false ]. Displayed as auto-center in block editor

    • damage (int) the amount of damage the item will deal. [ Default 1|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]

    • knockback (float) the strength of the knockback the item will deal. [ Default 1|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]

    • noknockback (bool) whether the item will not deal knockback. [ Default false ]. Displayed as no knockback in block editor

    • phasing (int) ignores the specified amount of collisions that would destroy the projectile, and instead, phases it through. [ Default 0|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • range (float) the maximum lifetime of the projectile in ticks before it is deleted. [ Default 100|Min 0|Max 999999 ]

    • recoil (float) the recoil the item user suffers from using the item. [ Default 0.15|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]

    • recovery (float) the time in milliseconds a hurt player will spend recovering from the item's damage. [ Default 2500|Min 0|Max 99999999 ]

    • reload (float) the delay in milliseconds after using the item before it can be used again. [ Default 800|Min 0|Max 9999999 ]

    • repeat (int) the number of extra projectiles to be spawned by using the item. [ Default 0|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • rotation (float) the angle in degrees to rotate the projectile by. If a comma separated list of numbers is provided (e.g. "5,10"), the second number will be the angle in degrees between each projectile. [ Default 0 ]. Displayed as shot rotation in block editor

    • sap (int) the amount of health to heal the player by upon damaging an enemy. [ Default 0|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]

    • speed (float) the speed of the projectile in pixels per tick. [ Default 29|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • stamprot (float) the rotation of the item graphic. Visual only. [ Default 0|Min -360|Max 360 ]. Displayed as rotation under stamp settings in block editor

    • transferfade (bool) whenever the projectile runs out of range and dies, this specifies whether the item user gets teleported to that death (sounds worse than it is). [ Default false ]. Displayed as transfer fade in block editor

    • transferhit (bool) whenever the projectile collides with anything, this specifies whether the item user gets teleported to the collision. Repeatable if there are multiple collisions. [ Default false ]. Displayed as transfer hit in block editor

    • useanimation (bool) specifies whether the item's use animation gets played upon a use. Only applies for custom textures. Visual only. [ Default false ]. Displayed as item animation in block editor

    • xOffset (float) the horizontal displacement of the item graphic in pixels. Visual only. [ Default 0|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]. Displayed as x offset in block editor

    • xscale (float) the horizontal scaling of the item graphic. Visual only. [ Default 1|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]. Displayed as x scale in block editor

    • yOffset (float) the vertical displacement of the item graphic in pixels. Visual only. Positive moves the graphic down. [ Default 0|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]. Displayed as y offset in block editor

    • yscale (float) the vertical scaling of the item graphic. Visual only. [ Default 1|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]. Displayed as y scale in block editor

    Lightning ("lightning")

    • ammo (int) the amount of uses the item has. [ Default 1|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • damage (int) the amount of damage the item will deal. [ Default 1|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]

    • reload (float) the delay in milliseconds after using the item before it can be used again. [ Default 800|Min 0|Max 9999999 ]

    Lightning Cloud ("lightningcloud")

    • ammo (int) the amount of uses the item has. [ Default 1|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • damage (int) the amount of damage the item will deal. [ Default 1|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]

    • extrazaptime (int) the amount of time in ticks until the second, and every subsequent, zap hits. [ Default 270|Min 0|Max 9999999 ]

    • passcooldown (int) the cooldown in milliseconds before the item can be passed to another player. Note that currently, due to desync, only one pass is tolerated, so setting this value effectively does nothing. [ Default 270000|Min 0|Max 9999999999 ]

    • recovery (float) the time in milliseconds a hurt player will spend recovering from the item's damage. [ Default 2500|Min 0|Max 99999999 ]

    • reload (float) the delay in milliseconds after using the item before it can be used again. [ Default 800|Min 0|Max 9999999 ]

    • zaps (int) the amount of zaps the victim gets hit by. [ Default 1|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • zaptime (int) the amount of time in ticks until only the first zap hits. [ Default 270|Min 0|Max 9999999 ]

    Napalm ("napalm")

    • ammo (int) the amount of uses the item has. [ Default 1|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • duration (float) the duration in milliseconds of the combustion. [ Default 10000|Min 0|Max 999999999 ]

    • reload (float) the delay in milliseconds after using the item before it can be used again. [ Default 800|Min 0|Max 9999999 ]

    Portable Block ("portableblock")

    • ammo (int) the amount of uses the item has. [ Default 1|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • pattern (string) determines the placement pattern of the block. Each section is delimited by semicolons and takes the form "x,y", where x and y are the amount of blocks among the x and y axis where the block placement is offset. Specifying a section as "f" places blocks between the two surrounding specified sections, if they share an axis. [ Default "0,0" ]

    • reload (float) the delay in milliseconds after using the item before it can be used again. [ Default 0|Min 0|Max 9999999 ]

    • speed (float) the frame number to begin the block-placing animation at. [ Default 0|Min 0|Max 33 ]

    Portable Mine ("portablemine")

    • No customizable properties exist.

    Retreater ("retreater")

    • ammo (int) the amount of uses the item has, counting both marks and retreats. [ Default 2|Min 0|Max 99998 ]

    • interval (float) the amount of marks before retreats happen. Interval of n means that the first n uses are marks, and the following n uses are retreats, with each retreat going to its respective mark. [ Default 1|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • reload (float) the delay in milliseconds after using the item before it can be used again. [ Default 800|Min 0|Max 9999999 ]

    Rocket Launcher ("rocketlauncher")

    • accel (float) the acceleration of the projectile (the amount of speed added per tick). [ Default 1|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]

    • ammo (int) the amount of uses the item has. [ Default 1|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • damage (int) the amount of damage the item will deal. [ Default 1|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]

    • knockback (float) the strength of the knockback the item will deal. [ Default 1|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]

    • maxvel (float) the maximum velocity of the projectile. [ Default 20.5|Min 0|Max 99999999 ]

    • noknockback (bool) whether the item will not deal knockback. [ Default false ]. Displayed as no knockback in block editor

    • phasing (int) ignores the specified amount of collisions that would destroy the projectile, and instead, phases it through. [ Default 0|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • range (float) the maximum lifetime of the projectile in ticks before it is deleted. [ Default 100|Min 0|Max 9999999 ]

    • recoil (float) the recoil the item user suffers from using the item. [ Default 0.4|Min -99999|Max 999999 ]

    • recovery (float) the time in milliseconds a hurt player will spend recovering from the item's damage. [ Default 2500|Min 0|Max 99999999 ]

    • reload (float) the delay in milliseconds after using the item before it can be used again. [ Default 0|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • repeat (int) the number of extra projectiles to be spawned by using the item. [ Default 0|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • rotation (float) the angle in degrees to rotate the projectile by. If a comma separated list of numbers is provided (e.g. "5,10"), the second number will be the angle in degrees between each projectile. [ Default 0 ]. Displayed as shot rotation in block editor

    • sap (int) the amount of health to heal the player by upon damaging an enemy. [ Default 0|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]

    • speed (float) the speed of the projectile in pixels per tick. [ Default 14.5|Min 0|Max 99999999 ]

    Shield ("shield")

    • duration (float) the duration in milliseconds of the shield. [ Default 10000|Min 0|Max 999999999 ]

    Snowball ("snowball")

    • ammo (int) the amount of uses the item has. [ Default 3|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • damage (int) the amount of damage the item will deal. [ Default 0|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]

    • knockback (float) the strength of the knockback the item will deal. [ Default 1|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]

    • range (float) the maximum lifetime of the projectile in ticks before it is deleted. [ Default 100|Min 0|Max 999999 ]

    • recoil (float) the recoil the item user suffers from using the item. [ Default 0.1|Min -99999|Max 999999 ]

    • recovery (float) the time in milliseconds a hurt player will spend recovering from the item's damage. [ Default 2500|Min 0|Max 99999999 ]

    • reload (float) the delay in milliseconds after using the item before it can be used again. [ Default 300|Min 0|Max 9999999 ]

    • sap (int) the amount of health to heal the player by upon damaging an enemy. [ Default 0|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]

    • speed (float) the speed of the projectile in pixels per tick. [ Default 21|Min 0|Max 999999 ]

    Speed Burst ("speedburst")

    • duration (float) the duration in milliseconds of the item. Affected by Winged Helmet (+3000). [ Default 6000|Min 0|Max 99999999 ]

    • strength (float) the strength of the speed bonus. [ Default 1|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    Super Teleport ("superteleport")

    • No customizable properties exist.

    Super Jump ("superjump")

    • ammo (int) the amount of uses the item has. [ Default 1|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • reload (float) the delay in milliseconds after using the item before it can be used again. [ Default 0|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • strength (float) the strength of the item. [ Default 0.7|Min -99999|Max 999999 ]

    Sword ("sword")

    • ammo (int) the amount of uses the item has. [ Default 3|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • croptexture (bool) specifies whether the custom texture should be cropped. Only applies if a custom texutre was chosen. Visual only. [ Default false ]. Displayed as auto-center in block editor

    • damage (int) the amount of damage the item will deal. [ Default 1|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]

    • knockback (float) the strength of the knockback the item will deal. [ Default 1|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]

    • noknockback (bool) whether the item will not deal knockback. [ Default false ]. Displayed as no knockback in block editor

    • recoil (float) the recoil the item user suffers from using the item. [ Default 0.3|Min -99999|Max 999999 ]

    • recovery (float) the time in milliseconds a hurt player will spend recovering from the item's damage. [ Default 2500|Min 0|Max 99999999 ]

    • reload (float) the delay in milliseconds after using the item before it can be used again. [ Default 500|Min 0|Max 9999999 ]

    • sap (int) the amount of health to heal the player by upon damaging an enemy. [ Default 0|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]

    • stamprot (float) the rotation of the item graphic. Visual only. [ Default 0|Min -360|Max 360 ]. Displayed as rotation under stamp settings in block editor

    • useanimation (bool) specifies whether the item's use animation gets played upon a use. Only applies for custom textures. Visual only. [ Default false ]. Displayed as item animation in block editor

    • xOffset (float) the horizontal displacement of the item graphic in pixels. Visual only. [ Default -30.9|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]. Displayed as x offset in block editor

    • xscale (float) the horizontal scaling of the item graphic. Visual only. [ Default 1|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]. Displayed as x scale in block editor

    • yOffset (float) the vertical displacement of the item graphic in pixels. Visual only. Positive moves the graphic down. [ Default -3.7|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]. Displayed as y offset in block editor

    • yscale (float) the vertical scaling of the item graphic. Visual only. [ Default 1|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]. Displayed as y scale in block editor

    Teleport ("teleport")

    • ammo (int) the amount of uses the item has. [ Default 1|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • horizontal (float) the travel distance among the x axis, in blocks. [ Default 3|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]

    • reload (float) the delay in milliseconds after using the item before it can be used again. [ Default 0|Min 0|Max 99999 ]

    • vertical (float) the travel distance among the y axis, in blocks. [ Default 0|Min -9999|Max 99999 ]


  • player.giveitem("lasergun")
  • player.giveitem("sword", toobject{ammo=20,reload=2,recoil=50})
getitem ()
Gets the current item of the player, and returns it as an AS3 Object.


    Returns the item as an AS3 Object, with each key being the property name and each value being the property's value.


    • settings The properties of the current item as an AS3 Object. These properties are the exact same properties listed under the item in getitem, with the addition of the following:

      • type (string) the abbreviated item name. (e.g. "l" for lasergun, "bo" for bow, etc.)

      • typename (string) the full item name. (e.g. "lasergun", "bow", etc.)

See also:


    local item = totable(player.getitem())
    local item_name = item.typename
    local item_ammo = item.ammo
teleportto (xpos, ypos, keepvelocity)
Teleports the player to the given relative position.


  • xpos number Teleport the player (xpos) blocks among the x-axis.
  • ypos number Teleport the player (ypos) blocks among the y-axis. A positive y teleports the player down.
  • keepvelocity boolean Determines if the player keeps their velocity after teleportation. False by default.


    player.teleportto(3, -1, true)
teleporttopos (xpos, ypos, keepvelocity)
Teleports the player to the given absolute position.


  • xpos int The x-position to teleport the player to.
  • ypos int The y-position to teleport the player to.
  • keepvelocity boolean Determines if the player keeps their velocity after teleportation. False by default.


    player.teleporttopos(0, 0, true)
rotate (value, amplifier)
Rotates a player to a given rotation at a given speed.


  • value (float) Sets the angle that the player will be rotated to in the nearest increment of 90.
  • amplifier (float) Sets the speed amplifier of the rotation speed. For reference, Fez rotates at 10 amplifier.


    player.rotate(90, 1.6)
removeitem ()
Removes the item that the player is currently holding.
tint (red, green, blue, duration)
Tints the player's body parts with a glow effect for a duration.


  • red number The amount of red in the glow effect. Ranges from 0 to 1. By default 1.
  • green number The amount of green in the glow effect. Ranges from 0 to 1. By default 1.
  • blue number The amount of blue in the glow effect. Ranges from 0 to 1. By default 1.
  • duration int The duration (in ticks) of the glow effect. By default 60.
playsound (id, volume)
Plays a sound effect to the player.


  • id int Id of the played sound effect.

    (0: jetpack, 1: level start, 2: sword, 3: lightning, 4: coin, 5: jump, 6: item block, 7: black hole, 8: rocket launcher, 9: shatter, 10: sad block, 11: laser gun hit, 12: ready, 13: explosion, 14: teleport, 15: match end, 16: shield, 17: shield extra, 18: bow draw, 19: water enter, 20: happy block, 21: speed burst end, 22: speed burst, 23: bump, 24: cheer, 25: laser gun shot, 26: ouch, 27: bouncy block, 28: bow fire, 29: water exit, 30: portable block, 31: superjump, 32: angel wings, 33: water effect, 34: water effect, 35: water effect, 36: water effect, 37: freeze ray, 38: snowball hit, 39: napalm, 40: heart, 41: C3 piano note, 42: D3 piano note, 43: E3 piano note, 44: F3 piano note, 45: G3 piano note, 46: A4 piano note, 47: B4 piano note, 48: C4 piano note)

  • volume number Volume of the played sound effect.


    player.playsound(6, 2)
disableup (times)
Disables the player's up input for a duration.


  • times int The amount of ticks for the input to be disabled. By default 999999.


    local durationInSeconds = 5
    player.disableup(durationInSeconds * 30)
disabledown (times)
Disables the player's down input for a duration.


  • times int The amount of ticks for the input to be disabled. By default 999999.


    local durationInSeconds = 5
    player.disabledown(durationInSeconds * 30)
disableleft (times)
Disables the player's left input for a duration.


  • times int The amount of ticks for the input to be disabled. By default 999999.


    local durationInSeconds = 5
    player.disableleft(durationInSeconds * 30)
disableright (times)
Disables the player's right input for a duration.


  • times int The amount of ticks for the input to be disabled. By default 999999.


    local durationInSeconds = 5
    player.disableright(durationInSeconds * 30)
disablespace (times)
Disables the player's spacebar input for a duration.


  • times int The amount of ticks for the input to be disabled. By default 999999.


    local durationInSeconds = 5
    player.disablespace(durationInSeconds * 30)
autoup (times)
Forces the player's up input to be pressed for a duration.


  • times int The amount of ticks for the input to be pressed. By default 999999.


    local durationInSeconds = 5
    player.autoup(durationInSeconds * 30)
autodown (times)
Forces the player's down input to be pressed for a duration.


  • times int The amount of ticks for the input to be pressed. By default 999999.


    local durationInSeconds = 5
    player.autodown(durationInSeconds * 30)
autoleft (times)
Forces the player's left input to be pressed for a duration.


  • times int The amount of ticks for the input to be pressed. By default 999999.


    local durationInSeconds = 5
    player.autoleft(durationInSeconds * 30)
autoright (times)
Forces the player's right input to be pressed for a duration.


  • times int The amount of ticks for the input to be pressed. By default 999999.


    local durationInSeconds = 5
    player.autoright(durationInSeconds * 30)
autospace (times)
Forces the player's spacebar input to be pressed for a duration.


  • times int The amount of ticks for the input to be pressed. By default 999999.


    local durationInSeconds = 5
    player.autospace(durationInSeconds * 30)
disablesuperjump ()
Disables the player's superjump until re-enabled.


enablesuperjump ()
Enables the player's superjump.


keypressed (keycode)
Is the specified key currently pressed?


  • keycode int The specified key that is being checked.


    Returns true if pressed, otherwise false.

See also:


    local Zpressed = tolua(player.keypressed(keys.Z))
postGameEvent (data, sendToSelf)
Sends a gameEvent to every player in the match. Used with game.gameEvent.


  • data The event data to send.
  • sendToSelf boolean If true, the gameEvent will also be sent to the sender. By default false.


    player.postGameEvent(toobject{type="damageall", message="Everyone took 1 damage!", damage=1}, true)
givelaser (settings)
[DEPRECATED] Gives the player a laser gun item with specified settings.

Fields: ammo(int), reload(float), damage(int), recoil(float), knockback(float), sap(int), recovery(float), speed(float), range(float), rotation(String), repeats(float), phasing(float), transferhit(int), transferfade(int)

rotation takes the format "float1,float2", where float1 is the first bullet's rotation in degrees and float2 is the number of degrees incremented to each subsequent bullet's rotation (for multi-shots created with the repeats field)

rotation also accepts a single float or a string of a single float, in which case float2 defaults to 0

transferhit and transferfade are active when set to 1


  • settings The given laser gun item as an AS3 Object.

See also:


givesword (settings)
[DEPRECATED] Gives the player a sword item with specified settings.

Fields: ammo(int), reload(float), damage(int), recoil(float), knockback(float), sap(int), recovery(float)


  • settings The given sword item as an AS3 Object.

See also:


giverocket (settings)
[DEPRECATED] Gives the player a rocket launcher item with specified settings.

Fields: ammo(int), reload(float), damage(int), recoil(float), knockback(float), sap(int), recovery(float), speed(float), accel(float), maxVel(float), range(float), rotation(String), repeats(float), phasing(float)

rotation takes the format "float1,float2", where float1 is the first bullet's rotation in degrees and float2 is the number of degrees incremented to each subsequent bullet's rotation (for multi-shots created with the repeats field)

rotation also accepts a single float or a string of a single float, in which case float2 defaults to 0


  • settings The given rocket launcher item as an AS3 Object.

See also:


givebow (settings)
[DEPRECATED] Gives the player a bow item with specified settings.

Fields: ammo(int), reload(float), damage(int), knockback(float), sap(int), recovery(float), range(float), phasing(int), rotation(String), repeats(int), pullspeed(int), maxforce(int), autofire(int, 0 or 1)

rotation takes the format "float1,float2", where float1 is the first bullet's rotation in degrees and float2 is the number of degrees incremented to each subsequent bullet's rotation (for multi-shots created with the repeats field)

rotation also accepts a single float or a string of a single float, in which case float2 defaults to 0


  • settings The given bow item as an AS3 Object.

See also:


givegrenade (settings)
[DEPRECATED] Gives the player a grenade item with specified settings.

Fields: ammo(int), reload(float), damage(int), knockback(float), recovery(float), blastdelay(int), throwforcex(float), throwforcey(float), hurtarea(int), blastdamage(int), blastrecovery(float), blastradius(int)


  • settings The given grenade item as an AS3 Object.

See also:


givelightningcloud (settings)
[DEPRECATED] Gives the player a lightning cloud item with specified settings.

Fields: damage(int), zaptime(int), extrazaptime(int), zaps(int), recovery(float), passcooldown(int)


  • settings The given lightning cloud item as an AS3 Object.

See also:


giveblackhole (settings)
[DEPRECATED] Gives the player a black hole item with specified settings.

Fields: ammo(int), reload(float), duration(int), strength(float), speedx(int), speedy(int)


  • settings The given black hole item as an AS3 Object.

See also:


chill (amount)
[DEPRECATED] Chills the player, causing massive reduction in stats until the effect wears off.


  • amount number The amount of chill applied in seconds. By default 6.

See also:


dye (color)
[DEPRECATED] Dyes the player's body parts for the rest of the match.


  • color int The decimal color applied to the player's parts. By default 16777215.

See also:




The current team the player is in. By default 'none'. Teammates can't directly hurt each other unless there are players left only in that team.
The event handler for player tick.

See also:

Player's current health. The player is killed if it goes to zero or below.
Player's max health.
Player's current coin count.
How many times per second some client physics will be updated. Setting this value overrides the client's default behavior (which, at time of writing, is simply using the number 27). Set this value to 0 to restore default behavior.
Player's current rotation in degrees. Rotation can only be set to values dividable by 90 degrees.
Player's current speed stat.
Player's current jump stat.
Player's current acceleration stat.
Strength of the gravity affecting the player.
Affects how far can you see (zoom). Greater values decrease your view size.
Player's current horizontal velocity. Ranges from -1 to 1.
Player's current vertical velocity. Ranges from -1 to 1.
The current horizontal momentum of the player.
The current vertical momentum of the player.
The absolute x-position of the player.
The absolute y-position of the player.
The next absolute x-position of the player.
The next absolute y-position of the player.
The absolute x-position of the player's respawn location.
The absolute y-position of the player's respawn location.
The absolute x-position of the camera (top left corner; not affected by fov).
The absolute y-position of the camera (top left corner; not affected by fov).
Defines how fast the camera does follow the player. Ranges from 0 to 1. 0 means the camera will not move at all. By default 0.25.
An AS3 array of the player's hats. Read-only.
Is the minimap currently visible?
Does the teleport effect appear when the player teleports?
The remaining duration, in milliseconds, of the player's invulnerability received by recovering from damage.
The remaining duration, in milliseconds, of the player's stun received by damage.
The remaining duration, in milliseconds, of the player's chill.
The decimal color value of the player's outline. Set to a negative number to disable outline.
The thickness of the outline. By default 10.
The decimal color value of the player's dye. Set to a negative number to disable.
The opaqueness of the player. Ranges from 0 to 1. 0 means fully transparent, 1 means fully opaque. By default 1.
Is the up arrow key or w currently pressed? Read-only.
Is the down arrow key or s currently pressed? Read-only.
Is the left arrow key or a currently pressed? Read-only.
Is the right arrow key or d currently pressed? Read-only.
Is the spacebar currently pressed? Read-only.
A scalar with a range of [-1, 1] representing the mouse's x coordinate along the screen. -1 means the left-most position, 0 means the center, and 1 means the right-most position.
A scalar with a range of [-1, 1] representing the mouse's y coordinate along the screen. -1 means the bottom-most position, 0 means the center, and 1 means the top-most position.
generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2024-07-10 03:22:35